Saturday 14 November 2009

Old Friends...

... are the best friends, because even though they have seen you change over the years they are still your mates!. That is the conclusion that I have come to after spending time with one of my oldest and best friends,Paul, who I have known for about 45 years!!!! We spent our adolescent years together, in happy mischief and innocence, cycling, walking an eventually driving to parties and other friends houses. Paul is also cancer survivor and a man with great social conscience and talents - and is still the bloke that I knocked about with all those years ago. Now living in Tasmania (was it something I said....?) we don't get together as often as I would like, but last night and this morning were great trips down memory lane and other byways of the human condition.
Paul is off back to Tasmania on the 24th so let's hope the rest of his stay is as pleasurable for him as the last couple of days have been for me. I once rang another mutual friend to say goodbye, at a time when I really though it was goodbye, as I was very ill; she replied "au revoir, Bob, only au revoir" - so in the same spirit, I wish my friend Paul au revoir now

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