Wednesday 11 November 2009

A level headed view of The Crooked House!

It's been a very interesting few days: on Tuesday I was able to enjoy hospitality at the Crooked House, a famous (in The Black Country!) pub that was built in the 18th century, and seems to have been falling down ever since! Due to mining works beneath the land, the ground has sunk beneatht the foundations, leaving the southern end of the pub 4 feet (1.2 metres) lower than the northern end! This means that there are some interesting optical illusions going on, where marbles seem to roll uphill and doors open downwards... it's the only pub I know that makes you feel tipsy before you have a drink! Two young brothers have taken over the lease of the building from Wolverhampton brewers, Banks's, and they are determined to resurrect ths reputation of the place with new menus and improvements, but they won't be attempting to straighten the building up! leaning ata greater angle than the Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Crooked House is well worth a visit, just for a drink, but a meal will make it more special. Anyway, it's a good excuse to "slope off" to the pub!
The Crooked House website is

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