Monday 23 November 2009

It's my birthday...

... and it started out not very well! I had to call the hospital to sort out this long running chest infection that has been troubling me for a month. As a cancer patient chest infections can be especially worrying and it should have been better by now, after three weeks of anti biotics... eventually after some PROPER care and tests, it is decided that I have a viral infection and NOT a bacterial one so anti biotics are a waste of time. How come my GP didn't know that?????
The afternoon got definitely much better with gifts from my daughter and family in New York and even a text from my son in London
Over the years this day has been fraught on more than one occasion though; in 2004 I was admitted to hospital to start a radical therapy called radio-immunotherapy, in which a radio active isotope is infused into the blood stream to deliver deadly radiation locally to the cancer tumours. This was an interesting treatment, as amongst other things, my pee became radio active for a short while!!!!
Just two years later in 2006, again on my birthday, I was struck down with terrible pain and was admitted to hospital to be told that the remission of two years was finished and that the cancer, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, had returned in an aggressive form. This meant the start of about 6 months of ever stronger chemotherapy culminating in a stem cell transplant in April 2007
Happily, I am now feeling fine after a nice hospital lunch (really!) and reassurance that this will soon be gone.. so will be out to enjoy a nice pub meal tonight. Beats cooking anyway!

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