Saturday 13 March 2010

What a strange business

... being a photographer is! On Tuesday my colleague John Robertson and I were in London's Portobello Road, a most fashionable and trendy area, full of coffee shops, antique stores and street vendors, taking photographs of "Pop Princess" Gabriella Cilmi - a lovely,talented girl who hit the charts with Nothing Sweet About Me, a few months back. Gabriella has a new CD out this month and is also off to Australia for the Melbourn GP so photos were required for the papers down there. By contrast on Friday JR and I were in the slightly less fashionable surrounds of Burscough,near Ormskirk in rural Lancashire to take "dramatic" pictures of new lorries for a PR campaign. I have chosen to put the pic of Gabriella here rather than one of the lorries!!!! On second thoughts... some people like lorries so there is a lorry shot, although NOT the ones that we were being paid to photograph! I just like the colours!

1 comment:

  1. Gabriella is the album of the week on Ken Bruce this week. One track a day for 5 days then!

