Monday 1 March 2010

St David's Day...

... and I thought that some nice daffodils would be a good pic for today! But fate had another idea and I found myself photographing a fairly major fire right next door

As I was packing up my car to head off to the woods for some spring flower pictures, the distinctive smell of burning rubber filled my nostrils. Then I noticed the smoke drifting from the top of my neighbour's garage doors...

My first action was to check that no one was at home, then I placed the plam of my hand against the garage door - it was red hot, so I dialled 999 immediately

The fire brigade turned out and sprang into action - levering a gap in the garage doors to see inside, they sprayed a wall of water before shutting the door again. My neighbour's car, a TVR Griffith was inside and burning, and the flames were already licking the roof inside the garage

More fire engines turned out, so eventually we had 4 in attendance and the cul-de-sac was closed off while they did their best to control the fire, which was threatening the upstairs bedroom over the garage

After an hour or so, the fire was extinguished and the full extent of the damage could be evaluated. It doesn't look like the TVR will be going anywhere soon...

1 comment:

  1. What a good job you noticed Bob!!That happened to my cousins neighbour last year. A Man knocked the door asking if the garage was theres but it was next door detached garage and the van inside was on fire! Loads and loads of smoke!

