Thursday 18 March 2010

There I was...

... enjoying a quiet bit of pro active photography in the countryside, when I got a call from my colleague, John Robertson, aka JR. "Can you get me to Sywell aerodrome and wait for an hour?", he asked....well of course I could but why would I want to wait when there was a chance of a flight in a Cessna 4 seater!!!?

So less than an hour later, I found myself strapped into the rear seat, snugly sandwiched between my camera bag and the window, en route for Bedfordshire.... a 20 minute flight! Much better than the 3 hours I endured sitting in a jam on the A14 only last week. I can't talk about the reason we were flying around for a while, but it provided me with some great opportunities for unusual views of familiar places. These will all end on my Alamy stock library I hope!

Today's picture shows us about to land back at Sywell, on their new all weather concrete runway - brilliant!

Later I managed to capture the fun pic of the stick man and the balloon - pure luck that I saw the situation developing as the ballon was being blown along the ground towards the painted figure on the ground... a little patience and the shot was made!

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