Friday 29 January 2010

When the Moon is in the Seventh House...

... and Jupiter aligns with Mars... as the song from Hair began!

Well I'm not sure about houses and Jupiter, but there was a rare conjunction of the Moon and Mars tonight, so I went out to take a look, and there they were, about as wide apart as my fist, albeit at a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles! Mars was clearly visible to the naked eye and with good binoculars a better view could be seen, but it is always the full Moon that is the spectacular show ona clear night. Brilliant in it's intensity, yet subtle in it's light across the landscape, it is no wonder that the ancient peoples revered this light in the sky which showed them the way through the darkness.

It was bitterly cold, but I managed to grab a quick hand held shot of the moon at 1000ISO, with a shutter speed of 1/800th at f9 ish.... I should have persevered and got some more but it was freezing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Bob!! Yes i saw it through the conservatory window before we went out.It caught my eye!

