Saturday 22 May 2010

No Posts...

... for such a long time... perhaps because I am busy with so many things that are more important! I have been working hard on getting the studio tidied and functioning well, which is now paying dividends as I am getting regular bookings for portraits and family shots, and now have started to receive wedding bookings for 2011!

I an addition, I have completed my manuscript and photography for the Winter's Tale book due out in the Autumn, publishded by Halsgrove again. Oh - and just in case I get a bit of time on my hands I am on the committee to celebrate the Lymphoma Association's 25th Anniversary next year! What is that old saying about if you want something doing give it to a busy person!!!? It's been a life long habit for me though - the old Rudyard Kipling line from If ... "if you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds of distance run", resonates very strongly with me. Life is short and sweet (sometimes) and sitting prevaricating and procrastinating is a waste of our most precious resource - life itself!

So now... what am I going to do on my life journey next? A busy day at the studio beckons, then a visit to Venice tomorrow for a few days of good food and photography, before coming back to shoot a 16th birthday party which I am looking forward to greatly.Oh yes... and the continuing news and magazine wotk with JR which is always fun and challenging!

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