Sunday 30 May 2010

James Ledingham...

... is a talented young violinist who I had the pleasure of photographing a little while ago. Now his concert in support of the Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Charity is coming closer, the posters that use my photography are being displayed around Wellingborough. James also has just arranged to have a CD of his music recorded and I am delighted that the cover will also be one of the pictures that I took at the shoot in my studio.

James is a young man who plays a fantastic looking electric violin and I wnated to capture some thing "rebellious" in his portraits... some attitude, rather than a simple picture of him performing. I hope that I have succeeded! Here is the finished poster, with glorious artwork done by by Milton

Wednesday 26 May 2010


.. is an amazing place for sure, but I was still overwhelmed by the beauty and sheer style of this city "in the sea". I had formed my ideas of how the city would look, after seeing thousands of pictures and TV films about the area - but was totally unprepared for the whole experience that Venice provides

I was fortunate enough to be there in the time of an aqua alta... a high tide that occurs regularly dependent on the moon and the direction of the winds, and this phenomenon graphically demonstrated the peril that Venetians face all of the time. In the early evening as high tide approached, drain covers and cracks in the paving around St Mark's Square began to ooze water, at first trickling slowly across the heat soaked pavements and then gradually becoming a rapidly spreading pool covering many metres in area; slowly the previous busy square becomes emptier as the crowds move to the perimeters, all the time listening to the orchestras playing on in the outdoors cafes and restaurants. It reminded me of the famous scene in Titanic when the string quartet played as the water began lapping around their ankles! Gradually the individual puddles link up and then the whole of the piazza is transformed in to a beautiful reflecting pool which the joyous visitors paddle and splash in....while the moon (the cause of all the troubles!) sails serenely overhead, and the city waits... will this be a tide like the one in November 1966, when the few inches became a few feet and then 2 yards, drowning many beautiful tiles floors and ancient palazzo steps? Venice is living on the edge of disaster - and the Venetians seem to love every minute of their life!

Saturday 22 May 2010

Gee... it's a G10!

I tried out my e-bay acquired G10 on Friday after getting the Land Rover through it's MoT... and the camera seemed to pass its tests too! It took a little getting used to the size and silence of this little box of tricks after the 5D Mk11, and there were plenty of shots that I was not pleased with... but then I am picky!

After a bit of trial and error in Princethorpe Woods, I found the sweet spot and I was delighted with the results. It will never replace a DSLR for quality, but for convenience and portability there doesn't seem anything to touch Canon's little "sure Shot" model, although nimble finger tips are needed for some of the adjustments

No Posts...

... for such a long time... perhaps because I am busy with so many things that are more important! I have been working hard on getting the studio tidied and functioning well, which is now paying dividends as I am getting regular bookings for portraits and family shots, and now have started to receive wedding bookings for 2011!

I an addition, I have completed my manuscript and photography for the Winter's Tale book due out in the Autumn, publishded by Halsgrove again. Oh - and just in case I get a bit of time on my hands I am on the committee to celebrate the Lymphoma Association's 25th Anniversary next year! What is that old saying about if you want something doing give it to a busy person!!!? It's been a life long habit for me though - the old Rudyard Kipling line from If ... "if you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds of distance run", resonates very strongly with me. Life is short and sweet (sometimes) and sitting prevaricating and procrastinating is a waste of our most precious resource - life itself!

So now... what am I going to do on my life journey next? A busy day at the studio beckons, then a visit to Venice tomorrow for a few days of good food and photography, before coming back to shoot a 16th birthday party which I am looking forward to greatly.Oh yes... and the continuing news and magazine wotk with JR which is always fun and challenging!