Saturday 10 April 2010

Misconceptions and Prejudices...

... are terrible bedfellows, and I was subject to both of them this week. Two commercial jobs with JR took us to photograph some newly installed playground equipment in Stevenage and Cambridge. The equipment is very high quality and the developments have been landscaped to blen into and enhance the environment. All well and good... so the manufacturers and local authorities involved wanted good imaginative photographs to show what had been created. This clearly means shooting the equipment in use with CHILDREN playing on it.... do you see where this is heading?
The shoot at Cambridge was all going well, with all parents happily agreeing to sign releases for their children to be photographed, when I spotted a young lad terrorising an elderly overweight cat, with a stick, whilst yelling obscenities at the poor creature. I intervened and made him put down the stick and leave... cue a tirade of further abuse from his slightly older pals. I also spoke to them and explained why I had told the youngster to leave the cat alone (aren't I patient!!!)... and then to take the "heat" out of the situation took photos of them all on climbing equipment. Cue intervention from "concerned citizen"... who told me in firm tones that I was "not allowed to take children's photographs without the permission of their parents", and asked who I was and why I was there with my "obtrusive camera" ! I carefully (and politely) explained that whilst I actually did NOT need permission, as the park was a public place, in the event I was acting for on behalf of the council and manufacturers and was also wearing an identity badge to that effect.
I also explained about the boys and why I had taken them... she conceded that she had heard them giving me "a hard time" verbally, but pointed out that as she was a teacher she was concerned that this was "illegal".... after a while she left but half an hour or more returned to virtually accuse me of lying! She had "thought" about my comments and was concerned that even though I may be ok, this was how "grooming" started and it was "wrong"...I gave her the local authority contact phone number, my business card and the manufacturers contact details and still she was not satisfied....
I feel it is terrible how the frenzy and paranoia about perfectly innocent men with cameras has now reached the stage where uninformed people (no matter how well meaning) feel that they must intervene and state "the law". These days it seems that if you carry a camera you are either suspected of being either a terrorist or a paedophile - what has created this climate of fear amongst people? There is now a whole industry engaged in training people to spot and identify "stranger danger" and ultimately this leads to a break down of human communications, where a male adult is almost prohibited from chatting to children, or even in the case of a misbehaving child, offering some guidance and instruction in better behaviour.
Isn't it ironic that some of the worst abusers convicted in recent years have been women, in positions of authority at schools, play groups and domestic situations etc....


  1. I can remember my dad warning me about men in the 50's if they say this or this etc don't go etc! He never warned me about women. It didn't cross his mind but in the 60's the kids went with Myra Hindley and she took them to Brady!!!I wonder if that women who gave you a hard time the other day would have bothered if you had been a woman even though we know they are very involved now.


  2. The only grooming I've done recently is to get a haircut :-)
    Ignorance of the law, fear and paranoia are rife in the UK.

    That teacher was clearly living in an academic cocoon and needs to get out more. My sister is a head teacher and would not have jumped in feet first like that making wild and libellous allegations. She would have expressed her legitimate concerns and then you could have explained and allayed her fears.

    Unfortunately there are stupid people in all walks of life and having a degree and a respected position as a teacher doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with using one's common sense.
