Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Lymphoma Association...

....is planning to celebrate 25 years of helping people with various lymphatic cancers and I have been asked to work on the committee to mark this milestone. The LA is based in Aylesbury and was formed by Felicity and Tim Hilder after Tim was diagnosed with the disease.
Now it has a helpline, chatroom and publishes several helpful guides on coping with the various forms that lymphatic cancer can take
I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 1998, after being unwell for several months, and the support and help that was freely given was a tremendous gift at the most difficult time. I described it as being given a light to help me find my way through the dark cave that cancer was for me. Sadly after diagnosis, most consultants can offer little more than platitudes about how I "may" be lucky as NHL can be managed quite well (usually!)
In the event I was referred to an absolutely brilliant NHS based haemotologist who has given me wonderful care for the last 12 years, and it would be no over statemtn to say that I owe him my life.
Anyway, the LA will be 25 years old in 2011, and needs more money, support, awareness etc to continue to offer the wonderful help that the members provide to people like me - a sobering thought is that lymphoma is the most common cause of cancer in under 30 year olds, and that someone is diagnosed with lymphoma EVERY 7 MINUTES.....there is no "type" of person that can become ill with lymphoma - it is not a disease that is even fully understood yet. Often very healthy active people, like sportsmen and show business celebrities become ill. I had never been really ill in my life until my diagnosis - the first tim that I went into a hospital bed was when I was having a biopsy in 1998 - you can imagine the sheer shock of being told that you have cancer... when you feel only mildly "under the weather". That is the problem with lymphomas, they "lurk" and by the time the avrage patient is diagnosed it has taken a hold.... I was at stage 4 of 4!!! The images show me getting a new type of radioactive treatment a few years ago... this gave me two years of remission! Please note I DID not take the shaky pix... it was the photographer was was nervous, not me !!!
Please check out the Lymphoma Association's website and think about what you can do to help. Please?

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